I understand your frustration of seeing car ad after car ad in the latest ads. I have thought of a solution for this problem. We could carry across the filter functionality we have on every other category (see below). It will allow users to filter 'Trade' or 'Private' ads in the Latest Ads.

Please leave your ideas and comments.
I think the best way to stop the relists and car ads and and all the other boring ads is to stop the latest ads feature.
NOOOO!!! i can hear everyone cry but Ebay does not have this and everyone just uses the search feature. You have category listings and people surely know what they are looking for?? I am fed up with viewing the same stuff everyday and would hopefully stop the constant relisting in the vain attempt to get people to notice your ad. I guess it will never happen but i still think it would work!
I think you should charge traders to have their ads at the top! That would soon stop the same old ads being relisted all the time. Thats what ebay do.
it would not stop the private ads from relisting every day tho and they are just as bad as the traders. The only way is to cahrge everyone, they would all think twice about relisting then!
If we kept the newly listed page but split it in to 2 buttons.: ie newly listed general
and newly listed vehicles, vehicles would split into 2 buttons then trade and private, that way people see what they want too look at.
very simple :)
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