There are now some top tips available to make finding your way around the new Wightbay site much easier. These can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions section or in our articles section.
Thanks for your patience while we transition to the new and improved Wightbay.
what have you done to wightbay it is terrible !you can't find anything anymore .i was always looking on there and now you have completely messed it up! you are not ebay so why and try to be like them.everyone i have spoke to say the same
Wightbay is now very un-user friendly. Please put it back to how it was. Have tried to edit an ad. today to put it in Freecycle. After half an hour of fiddling about I gave up and I'm VERY computer literate. Bring back the old Wightbay - so simple to use.
Have just been into find my edited ad. and it isn't there at all now. What's going on? This really is a disaster now! Think I'll stop using Wightbay - it's too frustrating.
Just want to say - if it's not broken - don't fix it!
I have sent you a message regarding the new site with lots of relevent questions. Im still waiting for your reply??? How does one relist and update your ads. In the past you have stated you didnt like the way some folk didnt do their housekeeping of their ads. Now we cant!! Please advise! I agree with the above comment why fix it if it isnt broken. All it needed was a bit of tweeking to make sure the site ran a little faster.
Oh dear! I have just put the above message on here and even the time is wrong. Its now 13.16 20th/july 2011. Not 5.13 am. Is it now just run by another pc and noone is there at the office ?
wightsale is abetter site to use and very simple just needs the advertisers its a shame tho as wightbay used to be great
wightbay is a joke
Try Wight Trader, Similar to old wightbay. Sad that wightbay seems to have disregarded the Island folk who need this site.
totally agree with the above! freecycle is on the list but when it's selected, doesn't seem to exist! it seems wightbay have forgotten that their attraction used to be coz it was free, easy to use and for islanders. now its all about the advertising, the money making and promoting ads which offer profit. Freecycle was something i would check daily but not anymore. thanks for the tip about wight trader. good bye wightbay.
Hey Wightbay, fantastic and soooo easy to use - just love it!! Don't take any notice of the above comments - everyone thinks it's great - except for the few 'thick' muppets above !!
Yeah totally agree mate, massive improvement.
Anonymous said...
wightbay is a joke
10:35 AM
No, your're the joke mate!
greywolf said...
Try Wightbay, Similar to old Wight Trader. Sad that Wight Trader seems to have disregarded the Island folk who need this site.
6:44 AM
Ha,ha, that's real 'cool' mate - this new Wightbay's excellent.
Who is this greywolf geezer? seems like a bit of a prat
thats one word for her, 72 adverts on the site yet claims to be a private seller hmmmmm has always been island owned as well
Ok so to some people I am a Prat or a Geezer! Thats up to you. I have lots of items to get rid of as some geezer, left me to deal with lots of pain. Im allowed my opinion and at least I dont hide and become anonymous.
I know I have got muddled with some of the statements I have made. Im not too well sometimes and make mistakes . Sorry
I got things around the wrong way.I am Starting to get used to the new site now but still think there needs to be a little more tweaking to make it more user friendly. Thank you Wightbay for all your help with my problems. Hope everything irons itself out soon.
I know I have got muddled with some of the statements I have made. Im not too well sometimes and make mistakes .
Freecycle was something i would check daily but not anymore.
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