Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The Return of Internal Messaging

Great news today at Wightbay HQ

Due to popular demand, Wightbay is proud to announce that the Internal Messaging system is now back... and it's better than ever!

You can once again contact other registered Wightbayers through our internal mail system.

When logged in, the little envelope in the top right corner will glow and alert you when another user has contacted you.

In addition to this you can find "My messages" under the "Members" tab.

You will also be notified via email when someone has sent you a message on Wightbay so you don't miss out on a response.

The other top feature of the new messages is that your conversation history with other members will be saved so you can go back and read the whole thread.

We hope you are as pleased with this fantastic new system as we are! We'd love to hear your views on it so please comment here or at

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